The next most esteemed brass was the Æginetan; the
island itself being rendered famous for its brass—not indeed
that the metal was produced there, but because the annealing
of the Æginetan manufactories was so excellent. A brazen
Ox, which was taken from this is and, now stands in the
Forum Bearium[1] at Rome. This is a specimen of the
Æginetan metal, as the Jupiter in the Temple of Jupiter
Tonans, in the Capitol, is of the Delian. Myron[2] used the
former metal and Polycletus[3] the latter; they were contemporaries
and fellow-pupils, but there was great rivalry between
them as to their materials.
1. Or Cattle Market: in the Eighth Region of the City. See B. xxxv.
c. 7, and Chapter 16 of this Book.
2. A distinguished statuary and engraver on silver. He lived in Olympiad
87. Further mention is made of him by Cicero, Ovid, Strabo, and
Pansanias. See also Chapter 19 of this Book.
3. There were several artists of this name. The elder Polycletus, a
native either of Sicyon or of Argos, is probably the one here referred to.
For further particulars of him, see Chapter 19.